
TEMBERU Rwanda – JULy 2023 & GHANA WE DEY! – December 2023 Trips

Dear all, I know. I know. I have neglected my website for a long while. I hope to make it up to y’all with the numerous escapades that we have been on since my last story here. That aside, find attached this poster for the December trip I am hosting. It is open to all […]

Nairobi, Kenya to Livingstone, Zambia (Part 2)

…after quite a stressful ordeal with the Zambian immigration officers (story for another day), we were finally in Nakonde, Zambia. It was around 7pm. We had no clue on where we’d sleep, no means to change money, no bus booked, no connectivity and yet we still had to proceed with the longest part of the […]

Nairobi, Kenya to Livingstone, Zambia (Part 1)

Whoa! Where do I even start from… This was probably the best trip I’ve taken in a hot minute. It started off as a simple tweet from Zeddy and the rest became history. After numerous zoom meetings which mostly involved itinerary planning, finance talks and us trying to secure some sponsorship deals, we were good […]

Want to start travelling? Here are some points to consider!

‘Rheen, how do you afford travelling every now and then?’ Hi, my name is Rheen and I’ll start off by declaring how I dread the above question. Every female traveller probably hates that question too. Here’s why… I have always said that it is one thing to be a solo traveller and it is another […]